Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Heaven on a cracker

The other day the family was out at Sam's Club getting some chicken and there were samples of this spreadable sharp cheddar cheese. Of course I took some....and YUM! Wow! It's like heaven, spread on a cracker! It was $10 for a tub of heaven, so I bought it. It was my lunch yesterday and my breakfast today. I ripped off the label already, so I can't see how bad it is for me and threw it in the trash. Then, while eating that yummy goodness for breakfast today I thought "I wonder when this stuff expires....". So, I pulled the label out of the trash.....best by April 7, 2011. Okay, I took my sharpie marker and wrote on the bottom of the tub 4-7-201.... Wait, did that say 2011? No, that can't be possible. It's cheese, cheese is supposed to go bad. I pulled the label out of the trash again, and sure enough, this stuff doesn't go bad for over a year. And even then, it didn't say it expires then it just says best by then. Oh, well. I wrote down the last 1 on the tub and continued to eat. When I thought I'd had an unhealthy amount, I put the lid back on the tub and read it. It said "spreadable sharp cheddar cheese food"......food? Why the need to put "food" on the end? Is it really so borderline not food that they needed to clarify? I'm sure I'll still finish off the tub in record time....

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