Baby's size: 6 1/3 pounds and a little over 19 inches long, like a stalk of Swiss chard. Ummmmm....okay.......
Belly size: About 40 1/2 inches around. Smaller than last week. The doctor said that I was measuring smaller than last time too, and it's because he is down in my pelvis.
Cravings: I'm mostly craving a clean house, so I'm eating whatever doesn't make a mess to cook and clean up.
Belly size: About 40 1/2 inches around. Smaller than last week. The doctor said that I was measuring smaller than last time too, and it's because he is down in my pelvis.
Cravings: I'm mostly craving a clean house, so I'm eating whatever doesn't make a mess to cook and clean up.
Mood: Mostly just nervous and nesting like a crazy person. I'm also realizing that no matter how hard I try, I'll never get everything done on my to do list. And the list is especially long, because I have to make up for
Symptoms: Same as last week. I'm still getting those weird front of the leg almost charlie horse things. And LOTS of pain and pressure down low. I think that's the most uncomfortable thing right now. But I'm still getting my typical stuff too, braxton hicks (that are becoming more painful), acid reflux, and back pain.
Go to clothing: It's been hot hot hot around here! I'm just trying to stay cool. Dresses and skirts help. So does staying in the a/c.
Sleep: Some nights are better than others. Getting up to pee is the most difficult thing. I've been managing to make it almost 2 hours at a time most nights. And when I do get up, it's really painful down low. The baby's head MUST be pushing on something these days.
Baby movement: He's definitely running out of room and moving a less. He gets lots of hiccups still though.
Sleep: Some nights are better than others. Getting up to pee is the most difficult thing. I've been managing to make it almost 2 hours at a time most nights. And when I do get up, it's really painful down low. The baby's head MUST be pushing on something these days.
Baby movement: He's definitely running out of room and moving a less. He gets lots of hiccups still though.
You are getting so close!